Foundation for Local Government Reform
Innovative practices in Bulgaria
Sharing innovations for improving local self-government

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The European Birds Directive (74/409/EEC) requires that each EU member state designates sufficient in number and size territories for the protection of habitats of bird species significant for Europe, applying special measures for their preservation. Together with the territories designated under the Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC), they form the European Environmental Network NATURA 2000. This is a network of connected dry land territories and water basins of high environmental value within the European Union. The goal is to secure the protection of habitats, free movement of organisms and genetic exchange by connecting the continent s protected areas within NATURA 2000, and guarantee their survival.

The states negotiating their accession in the EU are obliged to give their contributions to the development of NATURA 2000 by the date of their prospective accession. The Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds (Bird Life Bulgaria) believes that it is important for the institutions and general public to be prepared for the implementation of EU Directives, so that the process is smooth and timely.

The project of the BSPB was supported by the PHARE Access Program of the European Commission. It was awarded an honorary diploma for a Significant Project implemented in Bulgaria with the support of the EU in 2002. Partners of the project were the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (Bird Life UK) main partner; the Bulgarian Ministry of Environment and Waters; the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry; the National Forestry Directorate; Municipalities of Svishtov, Staro Oryahovo, and Bourgas.

Project activities:
Improving the institutional capacity of three regional offices of the BSPB in the towns of Varna, Bourgas and Svishtov in order to secure project implementation at the local level.
Holding a three-day training workshop for 20 BSPB associates (staff and volunteers) in the sphere of European environmental legislation related to NATURA 2000 January 5-7, 2002, Eastern Rhodoppes Environmental Center of Madzharovo.
Organizing a series of two-day workshops in the three pilot regions (Varna, Bourgas and Svishtov) for clarifying the legal, administrative and practical steps of the integration of Ornithologically Significant Places (OSP) and the development of the NATURA 2000 Network. Workshops involved representatives of the regional offices of state institutions, local authorities and BSPB associates March 12-19, 2002.
Preparing demonstration proposals for the inclusion of 3 OSP in the NATURA 2000 Network through the participation of all stakeholders (state institutions, local authorities, general public, BSPB) March 20-June 20, 2002; OSP: Vardim Island, Kamchia Complex, Mandra-Poda Complex.
Organizing an information campaign called NATURA 2000: for People and Birds , addressing the general public in the regions around the OSP. The campaign included the dissemination of information materials, presentations and slide shows in the settlements close to the OSP April 1-June 23, 2002.
Opening reception rooms at the offices of BSPB in Sofia, Varna and Bourgas, for tackling questions related to the NATURA 2000 Network.
Elaborating criteria and mechanisms for the selection of NATURA 2000 places in Bulgaria, similar to those in the EU member states.
Holding a two-day meeting for assessment of the process of proposing OSP to be included in the NATURA 2000 Network, with the participation of representatives of state institutions, local authorities, BSPB, July 17-18, 2002.
Publication of a guidebook on the steps, selection and management of Specially Protected Areas for birds preservation within the NATURA 2000 Network, based on the experience gained with three model sites September 1, 2002.

Expanded basic knowledge of government institutions and local authorities on the details, terminology and the technical process of designation of Specially Protected Areas (SPA) under European legislation. Establishment of contacts among the representatives of various institutions that will take part in the development of NATURA 2000 Network.
Three demonstration proposals for SPA.
Agreed assessment mechanism for designation of SPA in Bulgaria, based on valid ornithological criteria of the EU.
Publication of practical guidelines for SPA designation and proposal preparation.
Positive attitude of the environmental community in settlements close to OSP towards NATURA 2000.
Improved knowledge of BSPB volunteers and staff regarding the legislation and designation process for SPA in Bulgaria.
Equipped and operating BSPB offices in Svishtov, Varna and Bourgas, ready to serve the citizens.
Innovator: Irina Kostadinova
Publication Date: 22 July 2002
Nominations: 3
Irina Kostadinova
Project Manager
Sofia - 1111
"Yavorov" District
Tel:(02) 72 26 40, 70 75 79
Fax:(02) 72 26 40, 70 75 79



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