Foundation for Local Government Reform
Innovative practices in Bulgaria
Sharing innovations for improving local self-government
Herbs can treat unemployment as well
Bulgarka Foundation and Omourtag Municipality

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The level of unemployment in the Municipality of Omourtag is high, the greater part of the unemployed living in the villages. At the same time the lack of industrial enterprises in the region has preserved clean the soil, water and air in Omourtag. All factors are in place for the start of environment-friendly agriculture.

Taking into account these factors, the Omourtag Club at National Citizen Foundation (NCF) Bulgarka set itself the task of developing a program for the reduction of poverty on the basis of a new approach to the problem, i.e. self-employment. In the framework of this approach the benefits for the individual and the state are mutual: self-employed people do not pose a burden on the state, since they generate the necessary income themselves, instead of relying on the Labour Bureau. On the other hand, they demonstrate an active stand with regard to change, i.e. they take up their destiny in their own hands.

The project aims to reduce poverty in Omourtag Muincpality by using an innovative approach self employment. It was implemented in two stages. In the first stage a training course was conducted with unemployed and socially disadvantaged people in environment friendly agriculture (lavender growing). On completing the theoretical part, the knowledge obtained was put into practice. This stage was funded by the PHARE LIEN Programme and implemented in the course of 12 months. The project partners comprise the Municpality of Omourtag, the Labour Bureau Omourtag, Commerce and Industry Chamber Targovishte.

Following a research on the climactic conditions, soil content, the attitudes of the unemployed, the overall market situation in the municipality and the market of untraditional crops, the project managers team chose to focus on herb growing, lavender in particular.

След внимателни проучвания на климатичните условия, състава на почвите, настронията на безработните, цялостната ситуация в общината и пазара на нетрадиционни култури със сигурна реализация, ръководителите на проекта се спират на билкопроизводството, и в частност на производството на лавандула. 20 unemployed people from Ugledno village were acquainted with the medicinal aromatic plants growing on the territory of the municipality, lavender in particular. On the knowledge obtained, the participants were more or less ready to start their own business of producing medicinal and aromatic plants.

Following the theoretical part, participants in the course applied their knowledge on 1 acre municipal land, which they sowed to obtain lavender seedlings.

A bulletin was produced entitled Cultivated growing of lavender: How to become herb producers? , which promotes herb growing. The bulletin includes a short physical and geographical description of Omourtag Municipality, whose semi-mountainous climate is very suitable for its production. Valuable information is provided in the form of questions and answers for everyone willing to start his/her business. Information is available about the legislative framework, the ways of renting municipal and state land; the ways in which lavender is grown and care provided; its uses and sources of methodological help and contact addresses.

A contract was signed with 5 people from the target group regarding cooperation for the growth of lavender. Simultaneously, people s interest towards the alternative agriculture has grown. The second stage appears to be a result of the first one. The funds obtained on the sale of the ready seedlings, and the project partners efforts with the aim of developing an information bank for anyone interested in herb growing. Cultivating medicinal plants allows utilization of land with low output or erosion, the opening of additional jobs and ensuring income for the population. The project was awarded a certificate by the Delegation of the European Communities in Bulgaria at the national competition Made in Bulgaria with EU support .

The target group has accepted, despite some reservations, the idea about developing alternative sources of income through growing lavender. Reservations stem from the fact that lavender is grown for the first time in the municipality, and traditional crops are still preferred. A large number of the participants fear that they would not be able to cope on their own with a large area of cultivated land and are not sure how certain the realization of the produce obtained could be. On being convinced that lavender growing is profitable, they intend to take part in the process as well. In this respect, by signing contracts with people intending to grow lavender, the project will help other unemployed people to help themselves through self-employment and not being dependent on welfare.
Innovator: Svetla Mladenova, Bulgarka Foundation <br> Stanimira Todorova, Omourtag Municipality
Publication Date: 05 July 2002
Nominations: 20
Svetla Mladenova, Bulgarka Foundation <br> Stanimira Todorova, Omourtag Municipality

Omourtag - 7900

Tel:(0605) 44 55, 44 55
Fax:(0605) 20 72



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