Straldja and Bolyarovo municipalities are suburban for the country , with less than 20 000 people population. They have similar characteristics and problems decreasing and aging population, high percent of unemployment, similar administrative structure.
Official and unofficial contacts between both municipalities are traditional and have long history.
The conduction of this forum is logical continue of established good co-operation.
Within the frames of the project will be conducted 5 forum-sessions: two in Bolyarovo and three in Straldja. Main issue of the discussion is the lack of drainage infrastructure and old water-supply system in the villages.
Participants in the Forum will elaborate by themselves joint project plan to decide which projects will be implemented. They will formulate recommendations to the local authorities to solve concrete problems for the region.
1 . Consolidation of inter-municipal co-operation.
2. Improving the way of life in both the municipalities.
3. Creating mechanism for taking consensual decisions.
4. Effective usage of local resources and enhancing the administrative capacity.
Atanaska Hristova
Head of Department
Straldja 8680
12 Hemus Str.
tel.: 088 7872915
fax: 04761 3404