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Innovative practices in Bulgaria
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The project is a natural continuation of a partnership project – Investment Recruitment , Local Business Retention and Expansion and Optimal Use of the Capacity of the Northern , Southern and Western Industrial Zones – implemented jointly with American partners under Phase V of the Bulgarian Technical Twinning Program . The project itself is a part of Gabrovo’s 2005 – 2013 Municipal Development Plan, Goal 3 (Attractiing investments in the municipality of Gabrovo), Measure 3.2 (Development and optimal use of the capacity of Gabrovo’s industrial zones by development and maintenance of the infrastructure in the zones and purchase of available lots to retain and expand existing businesses, development of business networks and industrial clusters, and attraction of investments).

In the first phase of the partnership project, 20 of the most attractive lots available in the three industrial zones were inventoried. Two of them are significant in size and investment potential and are located in the newest and fastest developing Western Industrial Zone, at the exit from Gabrovo to Sevlievo. Currently, the zone is occupied by 22 companies, including Swiss and Italian, on a total area of some 220 decares. Many other companies have expressed interest in the available lots. Locating them in the zone under adequate conditions (infrastructure) as quickly as possible would provide employment for the residents of the Voynovo neighborhood. Better transport and safer traffic would improve the business climate and the attractiveness of the zone .

Given the strategic location of the zone and the availability of agricultural land adequate for industrial uses and for the expansion of the zone , the municipal staff and the American experts judged that the zone has the greatest development potential of all three industrial zones in Gabrovo . One of the lots – 186 decares of agricultural land – is very suitable for a new tech park which could double the capacity of the Western Industrial Zone. Unfortunately , access to the lot is via a municipal road connecting the main Gabrovo – Sevlievo road and the Voynovo neighborhood. The municipal road is in a deplorable condition . Another attractive lot is located on the other side of the road, bordering the Zalli Ltd facility. This lot has the entire infrastructure necessary except for the road which is currently in such a bad condition that is hardly usable .

Another important aspect in the development of the project idea was the fact that in the near future the above - mentioned municipal road will provide the connection from the main Gabrovo – Sevlievo road to the western ringroad through Voynovo , which is currently under construction . Its partial repair has improved the access to the lots in the zone, thus increasing the capacity of the zone. On the other hand, it guaranteed the optimization of the transport connections .

The project was initiated by the Municipality of Gabrovo , based on the municipal LED priorities . The Municipality is supported by its US partners and by the real estate companies that offer industrial lots, as well as by all companies in the Western Industrial Zone and the residents of Voynovo who will benefit from the improved transport access to the companies in the zone and to the downtown.


The project included the cleaning of 100 meters of roadside ditches, the strengthening of 150 meters of pavement with concrete strips, the strengthening of the shoulder and the lining of the drainage ditch with concrete slabs .

The implementation of the project resulted in the following :

§ Improved access to available attractive lots in the Western Industrial Zone ;

§ Acceleration of the work and offering of available lots in the zone on the basis of improved road infrastructure ;

§ Improved transport features and extended life of the road in the repaired section ;

§ Guaranteed traffic safety of workers and vehicles in the zone , reduction of traffic accidents .

For contact:

5300 Gabrovo

3, Varazhdane Sq.

Desislava Koleva

Tel .: +359 (0) 66 81 83 31

Fax : +359 (0) 66 80 93 71

E-mail: desislava @ gabrovo . bg

Deca 011.jpg
Publication Date: 22 June 2007
Nominations: 0





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