Foundation for Local Government Reform
Innovative practices in Bulgaria
Sharing innovations for improving local self-government
Culture and Nature Treasure village water fountains
Association Earth Forever , Svishtov

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Building natural water fountains is an old Bulgarian tradition. The need of drinking water, the desire for emphasizing particular social status or other reasons have made the Bulgarians to build water fountains in almost every town and village. These water fountains serve different purposes now some of them are for drinking only, others are used for washing, watering the animals, etc. However, the building materials and techniques that have been used in the past for building the water fountains are now considered old-fashioned and with low level of functionality. The complicated economical situation forced the local authorities to neglect the maintenance of the public water fountains. Currently, what is considered cultural and natural treasure for the Bulgarians is in very poor condition.

Informally, the necessity of restoring the water fountains in Municipality of Svishtov has been largely discussed. People from several villages Alekovo, Bulgarsko Slivovo, Vardim, Kozlovets, Morava, Oresh, Carevets, Hadji Dimitrovo have insisted on the need of the water fountains that would serve the land workers, the stock-breeders, the house holds for washing, and of course would turn into a wonderful spot for meetings and socialization.

The Association Earth Forever has already realized a similar project in the past restoration of a natural water fountain at the Pokrov Bogorodichen Monastery near Svishtov. Hence, previous experience, meetings and discussions helped our environmental organization to realize this project.

The project team conducted a research among the population of the Municipality of Svishtov that aimed to find out how many water fountains need restoration, which ones would be priorities for the project, and what materials need to be used for the repairing. The results of the inquiry showed the actual necessities in Municipality of Svishtov and pointed out the project directions. In the different cases, the work turned out different some water fountains needed just to be cleaned up, others needed replacement of the water-pipes or the draining canalization, repairing the surrounding areas, etc. The project team coordinated the activities of purchase, distribution, and supply of the different materials in cooperation with local supervising teams, as well as with independent consultants and firms.


Initially, the project team organized meetings with the Mayors of the villages, who took active part in clarifying the project needs specific materials needed as well as details around the process of work itself. Each village formed local work team that visited each particular water fountain and estimated the cost of its restoration.

In the beginning of May 2004, the actual work on the project started. Some water fountains were tested through various prophylactic activities. Nine of them needed to be plastered, or stabilized with concrete. Two objects needed new drainage canalization. Four water fountains were restored through new carrying walls and laundry equips. Three objects were carefully cleaned up from the piling soil and dirt around them. Parts of the roads, leading to the water fountains were covered with concrete.

After the end of the building activities, the project partners intend to make photographs of the restored water fountains and publish a calendar with pictures, explanatory notes and logos of the financing organizations. The project was realized due to the financial support of Foundation for Local Government Reform and the Municipality of Svishtov. Valuable project partners were the Business Center of Svishtov, as well as representatives of the local population.


The implemented project restored and functionally improved 27 natural water fountains in nine villages at the territory of Municipality of Svishtov. Cleaning and decontamination of the drainage wells provided plenty of high quality drinking water. Repairing of the laundry equips brought people back to the old Bulgarian tradition to wash and have fun together at the public water fountains.

Project realization built up personal and social responsibility in the volunteers. It also set up a good example for citizens initiatives for improving the surrounding environment. The local authorities got acquainted with one of the ways to find financial support for projects that could not be financed from the local budget.
Innovator: Georgi Iordanov
Publication Date: 21 March 2005
Nominations: 3
Georgi Iordanov
Project coordinator
Svishtov -
4 Tsar Osvoboditel Str.
Tel:+359 631/22048, 43117, 25960
Fax:+359 631/64014



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