Sharing innovations for improving local self-government
Applying a model for distributed collecting of scraps (paper and partly plastic) in Svishtov
Svishtov Municipality
- Developing a responsible behavior in reference to the scraps (people, who collect paper and plastic and distribute it);
- Introducing a model for distributed collecting of scraps with a good chance for continue and expansion;
- Gathering paper and plastic in amount, which is 4,18 times more than the expected;
- Providing financial resources by the delivered scraps 440,66lv;
- Origination of the idea for establishment of a special financial fund by the participating target groups, with donation of part of the resources gathered in the campaign for distributed collecting in future;
- Attracting new groups for participation (6);
- Providing bigger than the expected private and partners` contribution;
- Awareness of the principles for stable consumption;
- Good social response and support;