Foundation for Local Government Reform
Innovative practices in Bulgaria
Sharing innovations for improving local self-government


This is a project aiming to stimulate citizens participation on a local level and also to direct the attention towards an efficient utilization of the natural and architectural resources of the village of Bachkovo in order to develop a sustainable tourist product. The population is presented with the ideas of the ongoing activities in the framework of the project. As a result a strong citizens motivation and conviction that tourism should be one of the prior activities for the region is achieved. Those who showed interest towards developing small tourism business of their own are professionally trained.
Publication Date: 15 September 1999
Nominations: 10

The Family and Origin Program starts in December 1997 answering the needs for self-knowledge, assimilation of the variety of Bulgarian cultural inheritance and affirmation of the transition from ancient tradition to contemporarity in the holiday system.
Publication Date: 15 September 1999
Nominations: 10

The implementation of a healthcare strategy in the Muncipality of Stara Zagora is in agreement with the main goals of the municipality strategy Health for everyone by the year 2000 . The strategy is a way to incite change, as planning includes the choices that are made about the future, and helps to distinguish the significant problems and decisions. The Healthcare Strategy of the Municipality of Stara Zagora is an open ended system.
Publication Date: 06 July 1999
Nominations: 7

In January 1999 a new institution - Ombudsman, or the so called Municipal Mediator, was registered in the Municipality of Koprivshtitsa. The functions of this person are to perform intermediary activity in the process of solving problems between the citizens and the local government authorities. Until May, 1999 the Ombudsman of the Municipality of Koprivshtitsa had received eight citizens` complaints. Four of them she has found groundless and the rest are successfully solved.
Publication Date: 06 July 1999
Nominations: 7

The Municipality of Sofia is emitting the first Bulgarian Euro bonds. The funds amounting to 50 million euro will be expended on reconstruction and modernization of the infrastructure of the city. Significant social projects, which will contribute to the improving of the living standard and well being of the citizens of Sofia will be realized. The experience of the Municipality of Sofia can be successfully implemented, based on regional partnership.
Publication Date: 15 September 1999
Nominations: 18
Devin Municipality is an area with high unemployment rate (24.6%), more than 50 per cent of which women. No jobs are being offered to women on the territory of Devin Municipality, therefore starting their own businesses is generally their only option. The UNDP, supported by the Bulgarian Women s Union in the town of Devin, Devin Municipality and the National Employment Service set up the Devin Business Center which finances the business projects of firms owned by women.
Publication Date: 22 June 1999
Nominations: 5
A neighborhood mostly zoned as a high-rise residential development a bed-town with a large proportion of young residents, is suffering from a marked absence of opportunities for social contact, resulting in public apathy. Drug and alcohol abuse are increasingly prevalent among the young. To remedy the situation, Mladost District launched a program aimed at encouraging young people s involvement in local public dialog and community work.
Publication Date: 22 June 1999
Nominations: 6

The downtown development idea was included as a pilot project within the technical twinning program between Stara Zagora and Durham, NC. According to the strategic downtown development program adopted by the Municipal Council, construction sites within the program were defined - central city square; municipal building and enclosed area; the area to the east from the Art Gallery; the area to the north from the Post Office; the Augusta Trayana Roman Forum; the buildings of the theater, opera, covered market, ex Communist Party building.
Publication Date: 15 September 1999
Nominations: 7
The establishment of the community fund in the Municipality of Bourgas is a joint initiative of the NGO Development Center - Bourgas, the municipal administration, local NGOs, private companies and citizens. The fund aims to democratize the municipal budget, to attract additional funds from local donors and international programs and offer them for projects of local informal citizens organizations in accordance with the local priorities. The main characteristics in the activity of the fund are the publicity and the established principles of fair competition, monitoring and public control.
Publication Date: 15 September 1999
Nominations: 13
At the end of 1996, the LDS Chairperson presented the Society to the Local Councilors and suggested that LDS should become a non-voting member of the Council. This was granted and the Society has since been able to voice opinions, table memoranda and propose decisions in Council meetings to the benefit of the entire community.
Publication Date: 22 June 1999
Nominations: 8
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