Foundation for Local Government Reform
Innovative practices in Bulgaria
Sharing innovations for improving local self-government


Citizen Participation

The Open Society Club s Project aims at establishing a model for interactive cooperation, beneficial to all participants. The detention places enjoy financial alleviation because private companies are offering positions for the prisoners; the private companies employing prisoners benefit from cheap labour and the people imprisoned get a job and a chance for socialisation.
Innovator: -
Publication Date: 17 May 2000
Nominations: 1

The Lets Once Again Believe In Ourselves project was funded by PHARE through the Civil Society Development Foundation, Sofia. The project was implemented in partnership with the Labor Bureau in Bourgas. Its main goal was to help unemployed women overcome the worries and the stress, to find their own strengths and to acquire knowledge and personal skills that would make them more competitive on the labor market.
Innovator: -
Publication Date: 12 May 2000
Nominations: 3
The Public - Private Partnerships' for Improving Local Economy" project creates a successful model for interaction with private investors. It ensures publicity and transparency at the bidding sessions held for awarding municipal property and leads to job creation and investments for infrastructure improvements in the Municipality of Gabrovo.
Innovator: -
Publication Date: 31 January 2000
Nominations: 7
The Center for Development of the Municipality of Zlatograd in cooperation with the Employment Bureau implements the Start a Business Program. It provides business consultations for those who intend to start a business of their own and run a private company. The main goal of the Center is to stimulate the enterpreneurship activity in the region. The level of the alternative employment for the area is increased.
Innovator: -
Publication Date: 15 September 1999
Nominations: 6
Participants in this initiative are 16 students and businessmen from the University of Florida, USA and a group of Bulgarian students. The project is supported by the Municipality of Varna and the Economic Development Agency - Varna in the framework of the Technical Twinning International Program. For four weeks the participants learn about the work and the activity of 10 private companies and develop analyses and recommendations for the future work of the business companies.
Innovator: -
Publication Date: 15 September 1999
Nominations: 4

United by the idea of the present and future prosperity of the Municipality of Lovech, 19 NGOs, the Municipal Council and the municipal administration sign a cooperation agreement. This agreement is not only a unique experience for Bulgaria, but also an expression of a new-born civil culture of people responsible for the future of their municipality. This agreement leads to concrete steps and results.
Innovator: -
Publication Date: 06 July 1999
Nominations: 8
Devin Municipality is an area with high unemployment rate (24.6%), more than 50 per cent of which women. No jobs are being offered to women on the territory of Devin Municipality, therefore starting their own businesses is generally their only option. The UNDP, supported by the Bulgarian Women s Union in the town of Devin, Devin Municipality and the National Employment Service set up the Devin Business Center which finances the business projects of firms owned by women.
Innovator: -
Publication Date: 22 June 1999
Nominations: 5
The local administration and the police force in Montana got down to finding new ways of combating juvenile delinquency. After a broad public consultation, involving medics, psychologists and psychiatrists, educationalists, lawyers, and police officers, an ordinance was drafted introducing what was termed Parental Control Time. The Ordinance is compatible with the national legislation and has drawn on similar experience in the West.
Innovator: -
Publication Date: 22 June 1999
Nominations: 8
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