Foundation for Local Government Reform
Innovative practices in Bulgaria
Sharing innovations for improving local self-government


Citizen Participation

The practice is focused on integrating disadvantaged young people, which are presently going out on the labour market. A set of measures have been undertaken to enhance the professional qualifications of the young people, and increase the efficiency and interaction of institutions with employers. As an alternative to full time jobs, the project has created a Youth Agency for seasonal and hourly work. A specific mechanism of hourly employment has been established for disabled youth.
Innovator: -
Publication Date: 20 May 2002
Nominations: 1

The social model for rehabilitation and integration of juvenile and minor delinquents is directed towards working with institutions for building an effective program for information exchange and cooperation. Two work strategies were adopted: maximum separation from everyday environment and placement in environment close to their usual one.
Innovator: -
Publication Date: 20 May 2002
Nominations: 3

With the help of volunteers students at the Southwest University of Blagoevgrad the Pirin Tourism Forum carried out a research of the human resources for rural tourism development in the pilot municipalities of Simitli, Bansko, Razlog and Gotse Delchev. On the basis of local people s readiness to work for that cause, the first five model villages under the 28 Rural Weekends Program were selected. Short training courses on rural tourism were held in all of them.
Innovator: -
Publication Date: 23 April 2002
Nominations: 23

Pleven s local authorities came up with the idea of combining the spring exposition Partners Expo Bazaar with an Economic Forum Invest in Pleven , inviting Bulgarian and foreign investors and guests (mainly from Pleven s twin cities), thus drawing their attention to the most prospective braches of industry, recreation, and tourism in the city.
Innovator: -
Publication Date: 31 March 2002
Nominations: 15

The development of Rousse marketing profile includes publication of promotional materials demonstrating the resources and possibilities for investments in the city. The profile is so designed as to be objective and attractive as well, to bring investors to Rousse and to persuade them to stay.
Innovator: -
Publication Date: 31 March 2002
Nominations: 19

The municpality of Gabrovo has developed in cooperation with its US partners an Investment Profile for the World Wide Web, directed to potential investors from Bulgaria and abroad. The web site contains business data and an electronic bulletin featuring news about services and events taking place in the municipality, as well as a feedback form for citizens.
Innovator: -
Publication Date: 31 March 2002
Nominations: 9

The aim of the present practice is to show the stages of the complete marketing plan, used in support of the creation of a business area in order to meet effectively the needs of small and medium size businesses. The preparation of a detailed marketing plan is presented, as well as the corresponding marketing tools used by the Municipality of Pazardjik in building the business area.
Innovator: -
Publication Date: 13 March 2002
Nominations: 26

The marketing programme of Vidin Municipality includes the utilization of effective tools such as a business information system in the Internet emphasising on available lots and buildings; marketing materials; and business windows. Following thorough discussions, a decision was taken to build a web site providing practical information for the interested companies and the visitors, based on preliminary surveys.
Innovator: -
Publication Date: 13 March 2002
Nominations: 0

The marketing profile of the Municipality of Blagoevgrad comprises electronic information material presenting data about the municipality that may be needed by potential international investors, emphasizing on municpal advantages and strengths. The profile is part of the Blagoevgrad web site
Innovator: -
Publication Date: 13 March 2002
Nominations: 16

The project "Business incubator without walls for Muslim women from the 4 municpalities of the Gotse Delchev region" funded by the Phare Programme of the European Union through the Foundation for Civil Society Development combines the joint effort of the Business Incubator, local government and Muslim population in the region for making crafts a source of additional income. The project links traditional skills with contemporary knowledge on entrepreneurship for achieving sustainable development.
Innovator: -
Publication Date: 26 February 2002
Nominations: 21
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